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Showing posts from May, 2020

C# Source Generators - a key to metaprogramming !!

C# Source generators - finally you are real !! Guys, if you are interested in compile time metaprogramming then this blog is a good place to land. Source code generator is a much awaited feature and now a reality in .Net 5 preview version. If you are not aware of what is source generator then don't worry, I expect most of the developers at the time when this blog is published are not aware of this feature. Take a deep breadth and relax!! Source code generators are the new feature of C# compiler or you can say the compiler capability that can inspect a program at the compile time and generate new source files that can be added to source code while compiling the code. This functionality is a piece of code in .Net Standard 2.0 assembly. So C# developers now you can inspect the user code and generate C#